Posted by Shazarch on 18 Mar 2021

Temple of Elagabalus

218-222 CE, Palatine Hill, Rome

Religious site / Temple

The teenage emperor, Elagabalus, was a worshipper of the Syrian sun god, Elagabal of Emesa, or as the Romans often referred to him, Sol Invictus, "the unconquered sun". During Elagabalus' reign, which began in 218 and lasted until 222, the emperor dedicated a temple to him on the Palatine Hill. Additionally, Elagabalus was also a god of the mountain, with his name meaning "lord of the mountain". The temple terrace, the Elagabalium, had already been built by the emperor Domitian (r. 81-96) and may have been a site of worship dedicated to Jupiter. However, Elagabalus expanded the terrace and dedicated it to Sol Invictus Elagabal. The small church to the right of the temple, dedicated to the Christian martyr, Saint Sebastian, marks the site of the ancient sanctuary. After Elagabalus' death, the temple was rededicated to Jupiter by Alexander Severus. Today, only the terrace and some remains in the church garden remain. It appears that Elagabalus wanted his temple to be a place of worship for Elagabal and two goddesses, as it had always been in Syria. At the same time, venerating a triad atop a hill was a challenge to the temple of Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva on the Capitoline Hill. The author of the Historia Augusta reports that Elagabalus, after building the temple, transferred the emblems of the Great Mother, the fire of Vesta, the Palladium (a statue of Minerva), the shields of the Salii, and other sacred objects to the new building. For traditional Romans, these were extremely sacrilegious acts. For example, the statue of Minerva had always been hidden from view and was not to be moved from its place - yet the emperor not only entered the sacred temple but also touched the statue and even ordered its removal. He soon returned the statue, claiming that his god was displeased with the goddess. In front of the sanctuary, on the western side, there was a large portal with five arches, of which few remains exist. Entering through the modern small gate leads to the church garden.